Appliance and Furniture Stores
Armory and National Guard
Bakeries, Markets and Dairies
Banks and Savings
Barton Co Courthouse and Politics
Barton County farming
Beauty & Barber Shops
Buildings and houses
Car and Truck dealers
Clinics and Hospitals
Clothing and Shoe stores
Clubs and Organizations
County Farm, Nursing Homes, Day Care
Custom Work
Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Veterinarians
Electric Services and Repairs
Factories, Industries and Railroads
Feed Dealers
Fertilizer amd Seed Dealers
Fires, Wrecks, Murders, and Hangings
Gas and Service stations
Gas, Oil and Fuel suppliers
Grain Elevators
Greenhouse and Nurseries
Grocery Stores
Ground Observation Corp (GOC)
Hardware Stores
Hotels, Churches and Funeral Homes
Implement Dealers
Jewelers, Optometrists, Music and Dance
Lamar Fairs
Lamar and Barton County Firsts
Lamar Electric, Airport, & Fire Dept
Lamar Grads
Lamar Lake
Lamar Politics, Histories and everything else
Lamar Pool
Lamar Water, Sewer and Parks
Laundry and Cleaners
Law Enforcement
Lawn Boy
Livery Stables, Blacksmiths, Welding Shops
Lumber, Paint, Wallpaper
Newspapers, Books and Photo studios
Packing House, Ice Plant, Salvage Yards
Parts houses and suppliers
Plumbing, Heating and Airconditioning
Probate Records
Real Estate, Abstracts, Insurance
Repair Shops
Restaurants, Cafes, and Dairies
Roads, Highways and Bridges
Sales and Auctioneers
Taverns and Liquor Stores
Tire Sales and repairs
Variety Stores